Spring is definitely taking its time to arrive here in Prince George. It’s creeping up, little by little, but the changes aren’t really picturesque. It is nice though to go outside at midday and feel a tiny bit of warmth to the sunshine now, and see that the snowbanks are receding little by little.
The photos I have today aren’t really a sign of spring, but I am hopeful that I won’t have another opportunity to take them again this year, so I guess it somewhat ties into the theme.
I was walking with Spencer early yesterday morning, it was quite cold and the bare tree branches were covered in frost and ice. When the sun came up and hit the branches, it was just so pretty. The trees were sparkling in the warm orange light. I tried my best to capture it, but taking photos while wearing mittens (and while my glasses were fogging up) is not an easy task! I wasn’t about to go bare handed when it was -18, so I snapped a couple of photos and hoped for the best.
Like light playing upon moving water, snow and ice sparkling in the sunlight is something that is challenging to really capture in a still image. I think the magic of seeing it in person is a bit lost, but still, I try.
Wishing everyone a wonderful week ahead.