I’ve skipped the January Month in Review post, because my posts were so infrequent and inconsistent, there doesn’t seem much point in trying to recap so little. A friend posted a meme the other day that seems a bit fitting ” January was a tough year, but we got through it”. We’re on to a new month now, and while I haven’t yet picked a theme for the month, I am going to get back to that as I enjoy the focus for a weekly post. Based on the current weather and forecast to come though, it probably won’t involve being outside shooting. It was too cold this morning to even get the dog out for a decent walk. And I’m not even in the midst of the polar vortex!
It felt like a good time to go through some of my photos from southern California, and today I focused on the roadrunner. These quirky birds were all around the golf course I stayed at in October, though they proved to be a bit shy when I got the camera out. With some patience though, I managed to capture a few images. I feel like these images should be accompanied by comments about Acme products and Wile E Coyote, but I’m coming up with nothing, so let’s get to the photos instead.
Wishing everyone a fantastic week ahead.