2020-05-18: Monochrome Monday

I had grand plans for photography and posts this past week, but my schoolwork got me bogged down, so much so that I even missed my usual Sunday post.  Now it’s nearing the end of the long weekend and the weather has cooperated to get out for a round of golf, so a quick image and then I am off.  After a long winter and lots of time during the week spent at the computer, I have to have my priorities!  Have a great week everyone!


A grey heron preening in the early morning, seen while out on a game drive from Lion Sands River Lodge.

2020-05-10: Happy Mother’s Day

Here are a few images of Mom’s in the bush, all taken during my last trip to South Africa.  Looking through my photos brings back such lovely memories, made even better by the fact that I experienced them with my Mom 🙂

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2020-05-04: Monochrome Monday

These two couldn’t have posed any nicer if I has asked them. A pair of young male waterbuck seen while on a game drive in South Africa.  Oh, how I miss that beautiful place!


2020-04-27: Monochrome Monday

Muscle memory is already starting to kick in while I am working my way around photoshop.  I was really happy to have the chance to play around with a plugin I haven’t been able to use in a long time; Tonality by MacPhun (now called Skylum Software).  I know their Luminar product is supposed to have similar options as the old Creative Kit, but I really liked the speed I could fulfill my vision using the Tonality plugin, and today was no different.

Wishing everyone a wonderful week ahead.


2020-04-26: The only constant is change

A few years ago I moved away from Adobe editing products, and started using On1 Photo Raw as my main tool for organizing and editing photos.  At the time it felt like a good idea to try something different, and I was able to use the tools I wanted in a fairly efficient manner.

Fast forward to today, and I have made the choice to move back to Lightroom and Photoshop.  I have been having a few issues with On1, especially strange instances of the program getting stuck searching when filters are turned on, sometimes for a half hour or more.  Which granted isn’t that much time, but I don’t have a lot of time to dedicate to editing, so having my flow interrupted was irritating.  Mostly though, as various companies make changes to their software to have it run as a standalone option, I was missing having Photoshop as an efficient go-between.  My workflow over the last 6 months or so has definitely lacked the flow aspect, so now, I begin the process of relearning Lightroom and Photoshop.

I’m looking forward to the opportunity to start revisiting different tools and plugins that I haven’t had an efficient way to use in months.  From a cost aspect, I don’t see that being back in the Adobe subscription model will have me financially any worse off either.  I ended up purchasing each new version of On1 as it was released, since they promised great improvements, etc. etc, so in the end my annual software costs should be about the same.

I enjoy the opportunity to mix things up and learn new things, so in another year or two I may decide to change again.  Only time will tell.

For images this week, I was drawn to work on a few pictures I took along the panorama route in South Africa.



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