Just a quick post today as I am running a little short on time at the moment!
I loved watching these elephants greet each other as they all congregated around a dam. Different family groups joined up, took their time with greetings, getting refreshing drinks, and eventually, heading off in their separate ways.
It’s always a joy for me to spend time amongst elephants.
Here we are at Monday again. I felt like editing some elephant images recently, so that is what I have decided to share today. Elephants, with their amazingly textured skin, look fantastic in monochrome images (at least I think so!)
I hope you enjoy my selections. Have a great week!
A lone bull elephant crossing the Boteti River in Botswana.An elephant enjoying some tasty greens.Giving the grasses a good shake, to remove excess dirt, before eating.An elephant enjoying a drink at one of the dams on Phinda Game Reserve.There is actually a pair of elephants here, climbing out of the dry riverbed in front of Ngala Tented Camp, but one is mostly obscured by the bushes. This image looked pretty flat and lifeless from the harsh midday sun, until I did the black and white conversion. I couldn’t quite go ask them to repeat the trek at a later time when the lighting was more favourable!
While this leopard sighting was almost two years ago, it feels both like a lifetime ago, and also like it was yesterday. I find it interesting how the same experience can occupy those different spaces, seemingly at the same time.
This was the second to last day of my last safari, and the photos don’t need too much commentary. Our ranger took us to a leopard and her two cubs that were deep in a ravine, and while we perched, parked on the side of a rather steep slope, the cubs went about their day, playing, chasing, exploring and occasionally, snuggling up with their Mom.
I hope you enjoy my selections for today. Wishing everyone a fantastic week ahead.
An excellent climber already.A fallen tree makes an excellent perch to look out over the ravine.A very intriguing tail. A moment after this, it got a little chomp!Look at those messy green paws!Snuggles with Mom.A perfect cat pounce.Practicing stalking.It was wonderful to watch Mom get in on the game, and start to chase the cubs around.
No jokes, funny business or shenanigans here. Just a trio of zebra images for the 1st monochrome Monday of April.
Wishing everyone a fantastic week ahead!
A zebra foal seen in Etosha National Park.We all have that one friend that looks a bit awkward when smiling for the camera!This zebra was not at all concerned by our vehicle, and walked up right next to where we were parked. I think it was using the tree stump as a scratching post after I snapped this.