It’s quite nice not having a theme this month, as I can select whatever images catch my attention. Today, it is a selection of images shot at or near sunset.
Wishing everyone a wonderful week ahead.

Showcasing the beauty of Mother Nature
It’s quite nice not having a theme this month, as I can select whatever images catch my attention. Today, it is a selection of images shot at or near sunset.
Wishing everyone a wonderful week ahead.
A young rhino grazing peacefully in the early evening on Ongava Game Reserve in Namibia. May it have the opportunity to live in peace, free from the harm of poaching.
You can’t hide like this lioness, Monday is here.
Wishing everyone a great week ahead!
The second stop on my recent trip to Southern Africa was at the beautiful Ongava Game Reserve adjacent to Etosha National Park. Like at our first camp, here we also found a familiar face, as the camp manager we met on a previous trip to Namibia had moved over to this region, and was running the lodge during our stay. We had a wonderful time catching up with Maggie; I am still amazed that we not only found familiar faces so far from home, but that people remembered us as well
Typically, we went into the national park to explore on our morning game drives, and the spent the afternoons on the private reserve. The Etosha region had also received higher than average rainfall, and was very lush and green during our stay. Right before we arrived, they had a day of heavy rain, and on our first game drive we ended up stuck in the mud on one of the roads on the Ongava Reserve. After about 45 minutes, our awesome guide Willy managed to get the vehicle moving again. We were all covered in splattered mud from head to toe, but laughing and smiling; its all part of the safari adventure.
We spent time with elephants and rhino, lions and wildebeest. We saw zebra, oryx springbok and impala, and an abundance of birds. The reserve had a lovely hide, but due to the rains in the region, water sources were abundant and the man-made dam near the lodge was not being frequently used during our stay (with the exception of the resident terrapins). It was a beautiful region that I hope I have the opportunity to explore again in the future.
Here are a few images from my 3 nights in this beautiful area.
Please visit: for wildlife, landscape and nature inspired artwork.
and for textiles inspired by my photography.