Friday already! It really snuck up on me; this week has gone by in a blur.
You know what I wouldn’t like sneaking up on me, is this beautiful girl.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Showcasing the beauty of Mother Nature
Friday already! It really snuck up on me; this week has gone by in a blur.
You know what I wouldn’t like sneaking up on me, is this beautiful girl.
Have a great weekend everyone!
A trio of leopard shots for this Monochrome Monday.
You can find these, and lots of others here on my website. Your walls surely deserve an update with some new artwork – matte or glossy paper prints, traditional, stretched or thin wrap canvas and even prints on metal. Check it out!
The week has flown by, happy Friday everyone!
My feel good Friday photo this week is one of two gorgeous leopard cubs we spent time with while staying at Ngala. The sighting was made all the more enjoyable by the excitement of the people I was sharing the vehicle with. One of the women had hoped and hoped she might see leopard cubs; this was her last game drive before flying home, and she got her wish. It’s lovely when things work out that way 🙂
You can find this photo, and lots of others, available for purchase here.
Happy Friday Everyone!
I’m away for several weeks, so I have scheduled my regular Monday, Wednesday and Friday posts in advance. I will moderate and respond to any comments just as soon as I am able.
I am hoping to be taking loads of photos, so if you would like to follow along, please feel free to give my page a like on Facebook @jennifersawickyphotography and a follow over on Instagram at jensawicky.
I’m away for several weeks, so I have some posts scheduled in advance. I will moderate and respond to any comments just as soon as I am able.
I am hoping to be taking loads of photos, so if you would like to follow along, please feel free to give my page a like on Facebook @jennifersawickyphotography and a follow over on Instagram at jensawicky.
It’s been a busy week as I’ve been getting ready to head off on holiday, and I haven’t been out taking many photos. I have seen loads of wildlife though, including 5 deer at one time, a bear, and the hairy woodpecker family.
Since I have nothing new to share this week, I thought I would post a few more of the photos I call my artistic impressions.
I hope you enjoy them, have a great week!
It’s been a slow week for photos on my daily walks; and I had planned to spend some time photographing the hummingbirds this weekend, but yesterday slipped away from me, and today is completely miserable. So, it was into my archive of photos to edit instead.
The following are a pretty random group of photos,the only real common element being lovely light.
I hope you enjoy!