2021-01-13: Wordless Wednesday

Showcasing the beauty of Mother Nature
With the sun just about halfway below the tree line, I thought this fit the bill for this week’s WPC topic, Half-light.
Years ago, I lived for a year and a half in the UK, and spent a lot of time on my weekends touring properties listed under the National Trust. If I had been asked to come up with photos to describe my impression of ornate at that time, I would have drawn on references such as rococo furniture, tapestries, paintings with gilded frames, the fencing surrounding Buckingham Palace and the gardens of Hampton Court. All are still valid today, and I could go back in my archives and find dozens of examples… but my brain seems to work differently now.
Now, when I think of ornate, I think of birds. The beautiful detail of feathers when seen up close. The dizzying array of patterns, colours and textures. The mating performances. Even the patterns of their flight.
When you look at the birds below quickly, they seem to be dusty creatures in tones of beige, brown and grey. So take a closer look at a few ornately decorated birds I found in Botswana and South Africa.
I have been doing my best to spend at least an hour each day going through my photos and finally working on organizing and rating them. It may sound boring to some, but I absolutely love it.
I spent the evening going through photos from the Kalahari Desert, and kept coming back to this sunset photo. The colours make me smile, so I thought I would share.
Have a great evening!