2016-04-04: Monochrome Monday

I was inspired to work on a few photos of impalas; I hope you enjoy the results.

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The one in the front is doing a great impression of “duck-face”. 1/1600 sec, f6.3, ISO 400
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The oxpecker on each shoulder seems to have caught the attention of this male. 1/1000 sec, f6.3, ISO 2800
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A trio of oxpeckers rest atop a grazing impala. 1/1000sec, f5.6, ISO 250
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A rather stately looking impala gazing off into the distance. 1/800 sec, f11, ISO 640
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A lovely group of ladies; such soft and gentle faces the impala have. 1/640 sec, f7.1, ISO 500

2016-03-11: Impala Rut

If you’re in Southern Africa in the autumn (April/May) you’ll be there during the impala rut.  And believe me, you’ll find yourself uttering the same phrase I did repeatedly “What on earth was that noise?”

I still don’t understand how a creature like this, can make a sound like that.  To hear it for yourself, check out sound number two on this website.

Both in Botswana and South Africa, we heard a lot of noise and commotion, and saw a few different groups of bachelors going crazy, running and jumping and locking horns.

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That’s the face that goes along with the noise.  So attractive!
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Is this what the ladies do when they hear that sound and see that face??? 🙂 I was in the right place at the right time to watch a herd of impala bounce through the bushes. This is a composite of 5 different photos.
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A clash of horns.
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Racing around, making noise, fighting about who is the manlier man.


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Unfortunately, the guys kind of lose their minds during this time, and throw their normal caution and vigilance to the wind.  The result…

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They end up as a snack for a hungry pride of lions (or leopards, cheetah, wild dog, hyaena).    This was actually a very interesting sighting in itself, you can see more about it here.

2015-12-24: Gathering

A group of zebra and tsessbe hang around a termite mound. Okavango Delta, April 2015
A group of bronze mannequins enjoy splash baths at the edge of the pool. Phinda Game Reserve, May 2015
A group of female impala bunched together, ready to bolt at a moments notice. Okavango Delta, April 2015


The Daily Post: Gathering

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