I’m keeping with yesterday’s Palm Springs theme, but this time, a black and white interpretation.
I hope everyone’s week has gotten off to a fantastic start!

Showcasing the beauty of Mother Nature
I’m keeping with yesterday’s Palm Springs theme, but this time, a black and white interpretation.
I hope everyone’s week has gotten off to a fantastic start!
I have officially thrown in the towel on my signs of spring topic of the month. I really should have thought it through a bit more, and made it the topic for April, but c’est la vie, what is done, is done. I did see my first robin of the year this morning though, so the signs of spring are appearing on a daily basis now, just not in the right context for taking photos.
Anyhow, I thought instead I would share a few more images from my trip to Southern California last October. I am gearing up for travel at the end of April, and really trying to work through all the backlog of images to edit, so when I get home, I can start right in with new images. Fingers crossed.
I hope you enjoy my selection, and wishing everyone a fantastic week ahead.
I’ve skipped the January Month in Review post, because my posts were so infrequent and inconsistent, there doesn’t seem much point in trying to recap so little. A friend posted a meme the other day that seems a bit fitting ” January was a tough year, but we got through it”. We’re on to a new month now, and while I haven’t yet picked a theme for the month, I am going to get back to that as I enjoy the focus for a weekly post. Based on the current weather and forecast to come though, it probably won’t involve being outside shooting. It was too cold this morning to even get the dog out for a decent walk. And I’m not even in the midst of the polar vortex!
It felt like a good time to go through some of my photos from southern California, and today I focused on the roadrunner. These quirky birds were all around the golf course I stayed at in October, though they proved to be a bit shy when I got the camera out. With some patience though, I managed to capture a few images. I feel like these images should be accompanied by comments about Acme products and Wile E Coyote, but I’m coming up with nothing, so let’s get to the photos instead. 🙂
Wishing everyone a fantastic week ahead.
The weather this week wasn’t conducive to getting out and shooting at night, so I have worked through a few more of my images from Joshua Tree. When editing, one of the things the workshop instructor mentioned really stuck with me, and that is to really watch the saturation of star images. I really tried to keep things as natural as possible, although it can be fun to crank things up to 11 and see what happens 🙂 Maybe next week.
While I was shooting with my main camera, I had set up my Panasonic camera on the hood of my car with a gorilla pod, and set it to take a series of images to make into a time lapse later. It didn’t turn out quite as planned, but I’ve included it here as it shows all the traffic from the parking lot, as well as other photographers. Since I was doing a time-lapse series, I didn’t have the long exposure noise reduction turned on, and I think the still images from the Panasonic really would have benefitted from having that done in camera.
Wishing everyone a wonderful week ahead.