As it turns out, I didn’t end up liking a single photo I took last week, so instead, I edited one from the archives that I was looking at over the weekend.
Showcasing the beauty of Mother Nature
As it turns out, I didn’t end up liking a single photo I took last week, so instead, I edited one from the archives that I was looking at over the weekend.
I’ve modified the title a bit this week, since I’ll be honest, I’ve really not been out with my camera very much, and the few photos I do have, I think would be better for tomorrow’s Monochrome Monday post.
So instead, I thought I would share a sample of a project I worked on in November and December for a Christmas gift – a custom colouring book. It was a really fun project to do, and was very popular with the recipient as well.
I’ve included a few pages as a PDF available to download, if you are interested in printing them out and having a relaxing time with some coloured pencils. It’s my first attempt at making a PDF available for download, so fingers crossed I’ve done it right (It should be an easy control click or right click and select download linked file).
That’s all for today, I hope you enjoy, and have a lovely evening.
Jen Sawicky Colouring Book Sample
A bit late with posting this one, but this little one is too cute not to share.
If the day ends in Y, it’s a day that I will happily edit some elephant photos – so that’s what I’ve done 🙂
I hope you enjoy, and have a wonderful evening.
Earlier this week, I was getting concerned that I would end up with another weekly post dedicated to deer and bird, birds and deer; so I headed out in the yard with my macro lens to play around a bit and see if I could come across anything interesting. Also, it was simply a gorgeous, brilliant blue sky day, and I couldn’t think of a better way to spend fifteen minutes while taking a lunch break from my work. I also got out that evening for a few night sky shots.
Don’t worry though, most of the photos are still deer and birds!
I hope you enjoy my selections for the week. Have a great day!
Last week it was all about the birds, this week, it was pretty much all about the deer. They stopped by singly, in pairs and in a group of four, and were around every other day, if not more. The one day I didn’t take my camera out on my afternoon walk, I spotted the great grey owl again. I got a snapshot with my phone, but as it was getting dark, I didn’t head back out with the camera and try to capture some better photos. I spoke with one of my friends in the neighbourhood, and she said that the owl has been spotted in her yard a couple times, and I am quite certain I caught a brief glimpse of him or her as she flew into the bush last week. Fingers crossed I’ll get to spend more time with the owl in the future.
I picked up some additional editing software during black Friday sales, and have finally had the opportunity to play around with some of it. Hence all the photos look completely different this week, as I wanted to see what different filters and treatments did.
I think that’s about all, so onto the picture.
Wishing everyone a wonderful week.
I had a little time on my hands and decided to check the WordPress photography topic of the week, and just after, I looked out my office window, and saw a deer at the feeder. So here is the lovely lady that is currently hanging around in my back yard. I’m so very grateful for the opportunity to watch wildlife while I work!
Since I likely won’t post again today, I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for checking out my blog over the past year. It’s wonderful to know that something I’ve created has touched someone in some way, and equally wonderful to have had the opportunity over the year to view other’s photography and chat about technique and composition.
Wishing everyone a wonderful new year – may 2016 bring you many blessings.