2016-12-18: What I’ve seen this week

I managed to capture a few photos of some of the local wildlife this week.  I hope you enjoy, and have a great Sunday.

I’ve been seeing this rabbit in the neighbourhood for months, and it makes me sad as it is definitely not one of the regular wild hares, but likely a pet that someone abandoned.  During the bitterly cold snap we have been having, I make sure there is some of the feed we leave for the deer accessible for him/her.
Fluffed up against the -28C temperatures.  This flicker spent the day back and forth between the suet feeder and places like this to rest.
Just like last winter, the deer bowl was empty, so split-ear raided the sunflower seeds I leave out for the birds.  And, she’s teaching her young ones the same tricks!
Four deer were in the yard when it was time for me to fill feeders; they are quite comfortable with me and I knew they wouldn’t go far when I was outside, so I took my camera along and grabbed a few photos.  Good thing it had warmed up enough that I only needed gloves on, not mittens.  Operating a camera with mittens is just not functional.
Food fight!
Not quite the customer I had in mind for the sunflower seeds!

2016-12-09: Feel Good Friday

This sighting made me smile; watching these cubs playing with each other while their Mom and the pride males lounged around nearby.

I’ll have a few more images to share from this experience in the coming weeks and months 🙂

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A pair of lion cubs playing tug of war with a stick.  Masai Mara, Kenya. September 2016.

Wishing everyone a great weekend ahead!

Please visit:
www.jennifersawickyphotography.com for wildlife, landscape and nature inspired artwork.


https://shopvida.com/collections/voices/jennifer-sawicky for textiles inspired by my photography.

2016-11-20: What I've seen this week

It’s seems like such a long time since I have done one of these posts!  I was planning to do one last week, but woke up Sunday morning to a computer meltdown instead – not quite how I was planning to spend my day.

I’ve got a bit of a mixed bag from the last two weeks… Fingers crossed I can get back into the routine of weekly photos again 🙂

Have a great week everyone!

I was very excited that the first time I’ve saw Bohemian Waxwings happened to be on a bright, sunny day.
These were part of a larger group that were in my neighbourhood for a very short period of time.  If I had left a few minutes later for my lunchtime walk, I would have missed them.  1/800 sec, f5.6, ISO 320
This fox has become a fixture in the neighbourhood, but (s)he is very shy and scurries away as soon as Spencer and I get close.  The weather has been to iffy to haul around my big lens, so zoom and cropping are my friends.  1/500 sec, f5.6, ISO 800
For the Monday supermoon, I went on a field trip with my photo club.  After a year and a half living here, it’s the first time I have been down to photograph the train bridge.  All you can see of the moon is the light trail on the water. 0.4 sec, f4.0, ISO 2000 (Nikon D610)
Same scene, different camera and a different interpretation.  0.3 sec, f3.1, ISO 1000 (Panasonic FZ1000)

2016-11-17: Feel Good Friday

I for one am very happy it’s Friday and the weekend is nearly here.  After a computer meltdown last weekend, I am back up and running and will be able to get back to my normal posting schedule.

It’s no surprise that I love elephants, and this photo was taken during my last trip to South Africa, when we stopped our vehicle in the bushes and watched the herb graze and amble along.  Always a wonderful moment 🙂

A line of elephants moving through the bush as the light starts to fade.  I could have processed this in a more HDR way to bring up the shadows, but as it is, the image feels true to how I remember the scene, with the elephants fading into the bushes.
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