2017-05-22: Monochrome Monday

I returned home from an amazing holiday a few days ago and have only just managed to get all my photos loaded into Lightroom, so it will be a little while before I will be able to post photos from my recent adventures.  If you’ve followed me over on Facebook or Instagram though, you already have some hints as to where I have been and what I have been seeing 🙂

Good thing I still have a stock of photos from my last trip, edited and ready to share, like these elephants from Amboseli National Park in Kenya.  The elephant sightings were amazing there, and I think I can safely say, were even more amazing on this most recent trip.  So stay tuned for some stories on interesting elephants encounters (and some non-elephant encounters too).  Until then, have a great day!


Please visit:
www.jennifersawickyphotography.com for wildlife, landscape and nature inspired artwork.


https://shopvida.com/collections/voices/jennifer-sawicky for textiles inspired by my photography.

2017-05-19: Feel Good Friday

Last week I shared some images from my time in Ishasha, and this week, a mixed bag of images from my time in the Masai Mara region of Kenya.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead!

A zebra giving me a quick stare down.  I find it is not too often that I get the opportunity to photograph a zebra straight on, as usually they turn away from the camera.
A lion cub giving us the once over, before moving off to play with its sibling and a stick!
A good 50% of the elephants that passed by our vehicle stopped and used this tree as a scratching post.
Mama topi with a very small baby.
A cheetah on a wildebeest kill.  The weather was just calming after a torrential downpour, which might account for the miserable look on this cheetah’s face.  That, or the vultures hanging around nearby.


Please visit:
www.jennifersawickyphotography.com for wildlife, landscape and nature inspired artwork.


https://shopvida.com/collections/voices/jennifer-sawicky for textiles inspired by my photography.

2017-05-15: Monochrome Monday

It seems a bit strange to pre-schedule posts so far in advance.  As I type this, it is still April, and when this gets uploaded, I’ll be on my last week of holidays in Africa.  I know I will be coming home with lots of images and stories to share.

This week’s selection is another mixed bag from my time in Kenya.

I hope you enjoy, and have a wonderful week.

One of the zebra herd briefly checked out our vehicle before returning to grazing.
An egret gets a free ride on the back of an elephant in Amboseli.
A wildebeest appears to be on high alert (but honestly, with wildebeest, you never quite know).

Please visit:
www.jennifersawickyphotography.com for wildlife, landscape and nature inspired artwork.


https://shopvida.com/collections/voices/jennifer-sawicky for textiles inspired by my photography.

2017-05-14: Masai Mara


The wildlife in the Masai Mara was just as amazing as it looks in all the nature programs that I watch.  Here is a selection of images from my time there.

The chaos of a river crossing.
Waiting somewhat patiently for the chance to move up the steep slope.
As more an more animals moved up the banks, the ones that had slipped and fallen were stepped on.
A sad group of wildebeest too weak or injured to get up the banks.  We left shortly after this, so I don;t know if any of them found the strength to continue, or if they ended up as food for the crocs.
A gazelle attempts the crossing.
These are what were waiting for the gazelle…
Thankfully this one made it back out alive.  Of the five I saw try, only two made it out.
Clean up crew on the plains.
A topi with two little ones.  They are a very stately looking antelope.
A cheetah on the prowl.
A lone wildebeest grazing.
A group of mongoose that took over a termite mound.
A rare photo (for me) of a wildebeest where you can actually see it’s eyes.
A lone set of stripes amongst the wildebeest.
Animals as far as the eye (and camera) could see.
A kori bustard looking for breakfast.
A pair of elephants checking out the vehicle.
A beautiful Mara sunrise.

Please visit:
www.jennifersawickyphotography.com for wildlife, landscape and nature inspired artwork.


https://shopvida.com/collections/voices/jennifer-sawicky for textiles inspired by my photography.

2017-05-12: Feel Good Friday

For this Feel Good Friday post, a few images from my time in the Ishasha sector of the Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda.  I hope you enjoy, and have a wonderful weekend ahead.

rufous naped lark
A rufous named lark singing to the rising sun.
A pair of waterbuck in theQueen Elizabeth National Park.
A Ugandan Kob calling out as the daylight began to fade.
long crested eagle
A long crested eagle on the road between Ishasha and the Kazinga Channel.
Ugandan Kob graze under threatening skies.
A Ugandan Kob walks on charred earth from a recent fire for land clearing and maintenance.

Please visit:
www.jennifersawickyphotography.com for wildlife, landscape and nature inspired artwork.


https://shopvida.com/collections/voices/jennifer-sawicky for textiles inspired by my photography.

2017-05-08: Monochrome Monday

I decided on a bit of a mixed bag this week from my time in Kenya.

Wishing everyone a wonderful week ahead.

A lion contemplating whether to get up, or go back to sleep.  Sleep won, at least while we were there.
A group of wildebeest make it to the banks of the river, avoiding the crocodiles and being trampled.
One elephant of a large herd that passed through the Ol Kinyei Conservancy near the Masai Mara.  It was such a joy to spend time with so many ellies.
A small group of wildebeest crossing a part of the Amboseli marsh.
A lioness on patrol in the Mara.

Please visit:
www.jennifersawickyphotography.com for wildlife, landscape and nature inspired artwork.


https://shopvida.com/collections/voices/jennifer-sawicky for textiles inspired by my photography.

2017-05-01: Monochrome Monday

This monochrome Monday is features some of the primate images from my time in Uganda.  Trekking to see gorillas and chimpanzees is a bucket list item for many, and it is something that I would highly recommend.

I hope you enjoy, and have a wonderful week.

A young chimpanzee heading towards the fruit at the top of the tree in Kibale National Park.
A young gorilla peers at me from amongst the foliage in Bwindi National Park.
A pair of L’hoests monkeys on the roof of Buhoma Lodge.


Please visit:
www.jennifersawickyphotography.com for wildlife, landscape and nature inspired artwork.


https://shopvida.com/collections/voices/jennifer-sawicky for textiles inspired by my photography.

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