2018-03-25: Multiple Exposure Project

I had a completely different image ready to go, but something about it just wasn’t sitting right with me.  So I started scrolling through my photo catalogue, and came across the series of images I took of a pride of lions that had treed a leopard, seen during my safari in 2015.  That sparked my creativity in a whole new direction.

I wish I would have thought of creating a composite image like this when I was originally editing the series and creating a blog post about it.  I think this image captures the essence of the sighting in a way the individual images were unable to.  If you didn’t catch the story of the lions versus a leopard the first time around, you can fid it here.  There was definitely a lot going on that morning!

I hope you enjoy this last instalment of my multiple exposure project.  Next month, on to something new.


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2018-03-20: WPC: I’d rather be…

There’s a simple answer to the question posed in this week’s photo challenge “Where would you rather be?”.

I’d rather be on safari!

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I’d rather be watching the sun set over the bush with a glass of wine in hand, and great company to have a chat with.
I’d rather be watching the birds from the shade of a lodge veranda.
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I’d rather be looking out at the vast expanse of the universe, listening to the sounds of the bush at night.
I’d rather be taking the opportunity to discover new cultures.
I’d rather be out learning and experiencing different ways of life.
I’d rather be looking at this view over lunch, than working away on my computer. 
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I’d rather be dealing with this type of traffic while out for a drive.
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And of course, I’d much rather be hanging around with elephants.


WPC: I’d rather be

2018-03-11: Multiple Exposure Project

I’m really finding creating these composite images to be a fun project for the month.  I’m again digging through my archives to find images that, to me, just work together.  This leopard was a fairly young male that I photographed in the Okavango Delta last May, and the sunset image is from a different trip to the delta, in 2015.

I had initially had another vision for this image using two very specific photographs, but they just didn’t want to play nicely together.

I hope you enjoy what I have come up with this week.



2016-12-24: Photo Slideshow

Hi everyone!  I recently put together this photo slideshow for my photo club Christmas party, and thought I would share it here as well.

The photos are taken over the past three years, and there are several from each of my trips to Africa.

I hope you enjoy, Merry Christmas, and all the best for the coming year.

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