2019-03-24: Palm Springs

I have officially thrown in the towel on my signs of spring topic of the month.  I really should have thought it through a bit more, and made it the topic for April, but c’est la vie, what is done, is done.  I did see my first robin of the year this morning though, so the signs of spring are appearing on a daily basis now, just not in the right context for taking photos.

Anyhow, I thought instead I would share a few more images from my trip to Southern California last October.  I am gearing up for travel at the end of April, and really trying to work through all the backlog of images to edit, so when I get home, I can start right in with new images.  Fingers crossed.

I hope you enjoy my selection, and wishing everyone a fantastic week ahead.

The desert surrounding Palm Springs.
Definitely not a plant that you want to walk into!
Joshua Tree by night.
Joshua Tree National Park.
Some of the beautiful boulders in Joshua Tree National Park.
The Salton Sea near Palm Springs.
The lake resort that wasn’t.  The picnic tables at the Salon Sea unused, and in disrepair.

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