2018-04-01: Wide Angles Only

I have a real tendency to want to zoom and and get close up with subjects.  I have been without a long lens now for my main camera since making the switch from Nikon to Fuji, as I patiently wait for the 100mm – 400mm lens to go on sale.  So, I thought that this is a great opportunity to embrace the gear I have, and explore the world in wide angles only.  I am going to limit myself to 25mm and under for this project.  I went out and played around with the concept yesterday in my yard… or what I can access of it with the amount of snow still on the ground!

We had a fair bit of snow overnight on Thursday, and much of the snow remained on the trees still by Saturday morning.   With a strong wind and clear blue skies, it was interesting to watch the snow flying through the air.  The images didn’t turn out quite as expected, mostly because I physically couldn’t get into the position I wanted to to take the shots, but that’s how things go sometimes.

Watching the snow fly. Fuji XT-2 with XF 18mm – 135mm lens, at 18mm. Cropped slightly to remove the vignetting from the filter stack I was using.
Luckily the large clump of snow heading downwards missed me and my camera by a few inches! Fuji XT-2 with the XF18mm – 135mm lens at 24mm, cropped slightly to straighten the image.

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