2017-10-03: WPC Window

Since I started working from home 2 years ago, I have posted quite a few images taken from my office window.  There are times when it is difficult not to be distracted by the deer wandering through the yard, the birds congregating at the feeders in the winter, or a rare visit by the fox or bear.  The photo challenge for this week is to either feature images that include the framing of a window, or taken from a window.

I hope you enjoy these images taken from my office window.

I have a ground level window, and one of the deer spotted me with my camera and was very intrigued, and kept coming closer to get a better look.
Mama with one of the youngsters.
When it was very hot and dry in the summer, I made sure there was a small dish of water out for any birds or animals that needed a drink.  The mama deer makes use of that on a soggy day.
Coming back for a second look.
This young deer was very aware of me watching, and very curious.


Please visit:
www.jennifersawickyphotography.com for wildlife, landscape and nature inspired artwork.


https://shopvida.com/collections/jennifer-sawicky for textiles inspired by my photography.


WPC: Window

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