2016-04-21: Zebras

When going through some photos today, I took notice of the variety of landscapes that I saw zebras in during my last trip.  From scrubby desert to the vast wetlands of the Okavango Delta, everywhere they seemed to be thriving.  They really are such beautiful animals; I hope you enjoy.

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Mom and youngster on watch as the heat of the day builds.  Sabi Sands, May 2015.
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A dazzle of zebra gather on the airstrip in the late afternoon.  The youngsters of this group were particularly tiny.  Sabi Sands, May 2015
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One zebra pauses to take notice of us overhead, while the rest of the group continues their journey through the Okavango Delta. April, 2015
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The late afternoon sun provides lovely backlighting on a pair of zebra.  Okavango Delta, April 2015.
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A dazzle of zebra in Sossusvlei, Nambia, April 2015.  The youngsters in this group were particularly boisterous, running circles around the adults a few minutes before I snapped this photo.
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A group of zebra grazing as the light of the afternoon fades away.  We watched this group for some time as we stopped nearby for a sundowner 🙂  Sossusvlei, April 2015
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