2016-04-10: What I’ve seen this week

I went for a quick drive this morning, after hearing about tree swallows and potentially mountain bluebirds nesting in a field fairly close to home.  I was rewarded with seeing both.  I’ve never seen mountain bluebirds before this, and the intensity of the males feathers reminds me of the brightly coloured birds of Southern Africa.

It’s far too nice today though to spend much time indoors, so I’ll get to the photos and wish everyone a wonderful week ahead. 🙂

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The first time you ask your partner to do something around the house…


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The 87th time you’ve asked your partner to do that very same thing around the house!
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So nice to have the sun shining to show off the beautiful iridescent feathers of the tree swallow.
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A perfect portrait pose.
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My first view of a Mountain Bluebird.
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One couple was hanging out around nest box 20.
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Another preferred nest box 30.  How I wish I could have captured the male and female together.  Perhaps next weekend!
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The shockingly blue male Mountain Bluebird.
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Moments before he took to the skies.

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