2016-03-27: What I’ve seen this week

Straight to the photos this week 🙂


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No chocolate bunnies for me this year; this morning I came across the real thing! This was snapped moments before it started raining; the dull grey day did nothing for the photographs, I was just happy to see an actual bunny. Lately, I’ve just been finding lots of fur tufts around, after they’ve been attacked in the night.

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I took Spencer out for a quick wee before bed, and came across a pair of salamanders on the driveway. I didn’t want to annoy them with the camera flash, so this was the best that I could capture.

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I always love the chance for a silhouette photo. A northern flicker pausing from pecking at the top of the phone lines.
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I stopped by the observatory Friday evening. Various stars were being pointed out with a high powered green laser.  It was an interesting place to visit and certainly a great place to have a view of the night sky.  I probably should have paid a bit more attention to my camera settings than chatting with people though.
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Star observers – it was packed there so I didn’t get a chance to go up into the dome.  The big dipper is just barely visible top right.
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My first attempt at a star panorama, and it’s something I definitely need to research more. I spent a fair bit of time in Photoshop playing around with the warp feature to turn this into a rectangle again, not a ball.
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