2016-01-24:What I’ve seen this week

Two weeks in a row now, I haven’t spent much time out with my camera.  🙁  The weather has been a big factor again; the warmer temperatures have continued, cycling just above and below 0C, plus heavy rain one day and snow the day before that and after (the roads around my place are a bit challenging for walks at the moment, navigating sheets of ice and piles of frozen slush).  The birds have not been around as much as usual, and I’ve barely seen the deer at all this week (though my neighbour told me yesterday there was a coyote pack hanging around, and that could definitely have something to do with the scarcity of the deer).

Fingers crossed for a more successful week of photos coming up!

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I spent some time out yesterday evening with a few members of the photo club; we had hoped mother nature would provide clear skies and the original plan was to go to a local lake for star photography. Alas, mother nature does what she wants, when she wants. With the lake fogged in, we stayed around town and photographed the winery across the river from town.
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There were too many trees along the edge of the river to get much in the way of light trails with tail lights, but I thought that this logging truck provided some interesting detail during a long exposure.
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It wasn’t all doom and gloom; a beautiful morning while out walking early in the week.
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