2015-12-13: What I’ve seen this week

I’m posting this quite a bit later than I originally anticipated, so I’ll keep the chatter to a minimum and get right to the pictures.  I hope everyone has had a wonderful week, and best wishes for a great week ahead 🙂

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Spencer all suited up for his morning walk. I always swore I wouldn’t make him wear boots, but with the miles we put on every day, they really help.
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Frosty branches, snowy ground, leaden sky… feeling chilly yet?
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Early morning + fog = not great (wildlife & bird) photos. But very cool to see this coyote a few mornings ago.
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A large and very fluffy coyote watching me, watching him.
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Not the most inspired landscape composition, but the sky this afternoon reminded me of a watercolour painting.
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The young one isn’t so young – almost the size of mama.
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Mama deer hanging out in the yard today.
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Mama having a nibble of the feed we have out in the yard (a winter treat only, just like the bird feeders).
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Good thing there isn’t a flag pole nearby!!!
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The young deer got spooked by the dog as we were heading out on our afternoon walk. It was fun watching her hop away through the snow (it reminded me of the springbok in Botswana). I managed these three shots and put them together as a pano. I thought it was a great way to show the height and distance travelled in a single bounce.
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