2015-11-01: What I’ve seen this week

I was driving home from a morning trip into town, thinking that I would have nothing to post for this week, as it had been a slow week for both bird and animal sightings, and I already posted the lone landscape photo I liked for my monochrome Monday shot… and about the lack of a Wordless Wednesday post… I kinda forgot what day it was – oops.

Just as I was about to turn onto my street, I noticed something perched on a fence post at the end of the road; I couldn’t quite believe my eyes as it was an owl (at noon no less).  I stopped in the middle of the road to watch for a moment, and then hurried home to grab my camera and the dog.  I drove back up hoping I might be lucky enough for it to still be there, and it was.  I managed to get the car into a great position without causing and ruffled feathers, and sat for about 10 minutes snapping photos before I decided to head off, as the dog needed a walk.  It was rainy and miserable though and other than doing what was necessary, Spencer wasn’t too keen to stay out long, so I decided to take another drive and see if the owl was still there.  This time I stayed longer, and managed to see a couple failed hunting attempts before I headed back home.

I’m really happy with how well the photos turned out despite the weather, but even more, I’m very grateful to have had such a cool, and unexpected, afternoon with wildlife.

I hope you enjoy the photos!

My first sighting of a great grey owl.
My first sighting of a great grey owl.
Such an intense gaze.
Such an intense gaze.
The way owls heads rotate amazes me.
The way owls heads rotate amazes me.
She showed off all angles while I happily snapped away.
She showed off all angles while I happily snapped away.
Watching the ground for mice and other critters.  Based on the leftovers I have been seeing on the road the last few days, she is fairly successful.
Watching the ground for mice and other critters. Based on the leftovers I have been seeing on the road the last few days, she is fairly successful.

20151101_What I've seen this week-5

I love the angle on this photo, and the streaking raindrops in the background. 1/400sec, f5.6, ISO 800
I love the angle on this photo, and the streaking raindrops in the background.
1/400sec, f5.6, ISO 800
If you look closely, you will see that there are remnants of another bird stuck in the fencing.
If you look closely, you will see that there are remnants of another bird stuck in the fencing.
After watching the grass along the roadside intently, she launched off, but sadly did not make a catch. 1/500sec, f5.6, ISO1000
After watching the grass along the roadside intently, she launched off, but sadly did not make a catch.
1/500sec, f5.6, ISO1000
I included this only to show the beautiful variation in the feathers.  Unfortunately  the photo is blurry, a combination of too slow a shutter speed (due to the light) and user focusing issues!
I included this only to show the beautiful variation in the feathers. Unfortunately the photo is blurry, a combination of too slow a shutter speed (due to the light) and user focusing issues!
Coming back in to land after an unsuccessful hunt.
Coming back in to land after an unsuccessful hunt.
A bit of post flight grooming and fluffing of feathers.
A bit of post flight grooming and fluffing of feathers.
With this, she was off again and we left her in peace. 1/500sec, f5.6, ISO1000
With this, she was off again and we left her in peace. By the way, look at those talons!!!
1/500sec, f5.6, ISO1000

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