I was driving home from a morning trip into town, thinking that I would have nothing to post for this week, as it had been a slow week for both bird and animal sightings, and I already posted the lone landscape photo I liked for my monochrome Monday shot… and about the lack of a Wordless Wednesday post… I kinda forgot what day it was – oops.
Just as I was about to turn onto my street, I noticed something perched on a fence post at the end of the road; I couldn’t quite believe my eyes as it was an owl (at noon no less). I stopped in the middle of the road to watch for a moment, and then hurried home to grab my camera and the dog. I drove back up hoping I might be lucky enough for it to still be there, and it was. I managed to get the car into a great position without causing and ruffled feathers, and sat for about 10 minutes snapping photos before I decided to head off, as the dog needed a walk. It was rainy and miserable though and other than doing what was necessary, Spencer wasn’t too keen to stay out long, so I decided to take another drive and see if the owl was still there. This time I stayed longer, and managed to see a couple failed hunting attempts before I headed back home.
I’m really happy with how well the photos turned out despite the weather, but even more, I’m very grateful to have had such a cool, and unexpected, afternoon with wildlife.
I hope you enjoy the photos!

1/400sec, f5.6, ISO 800

1/500sec, f5.6, ISO1000

1/500sec, f5.6, ISO1000
Should you wish to have a copy of any of these to call your own, click here.