This week has brought some really variable weather, and with that, some dramatic skies. Birds have provided some frustration this week. My elusive local northern flicker made an appearance today, but at such a distance the photo isn’t even worth posting. I saw a new bird this week as well, of course the time I left my camera at home I managed a snap with my cell (absolutely not worth posting!) but through the blur, I think I can identify it as a northern shrike, which are winter residents of my area. I also could be 100% wrong on that; I’ve not been lucky enough to see it again and get some decent photos to do a proper ID. I don’t have any great photos to share, but it has been lovely now that most of the leaf cover is gone to watch the chickadees flittering about. They are such sweet birds and really make me smile (I also enjoy calling to them “chick-a-dee-dee-dee” while out walking and having a bit of a conversation… I guess that’s a slight admission of being crazy!
I had one other interesting sighting yesterday; you’ll have to scroll to the end to see. The pictures aren’t the best, but I was walking two little dogs at the time (I’m currently looking after my brother’s mini schnauzer Dylan) and didn’t want to risk wandering any closer; we were already under some rather intense scrutiny.
I hope you enjoy, have a lovely day, and a very Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canadians.