I’m going to start with the most recent pictures and work my way backwards. Yesterday, I started the day reading a post on Facebook by Cheryl Richardson that said “Stop trying to make sanity out of an insane situation. If your schedule is crazy busy, you don’t need time management, you need space.” Lately I have definitely been feeling that is something needed in my life; but looking back at the compositions I made yesterday morning, I guess it was also something I also desired in my photos.

1/320sec, f11, ISO320

1.320sec, f11, ISO320

1/320sec, F11, ISO320

1/320sec, f11, ISO320

1/320sec, f11, ISO320

I think this would have been a lot better with my macro lens, but that isn’t the best walking around lens, in case an interesting bird decides to fly by.
1/200sec, f5.0, ISO640
This week has been an interesting adjustment photographically, as I have put away my D610 and my Tamron 150mm-600mm, as both need to go in for some work. My first thought when primarily shooting with my D5100 again was how wonderfully light it is! It also doesn’t have the same warm colour cast when using auto white balance that I have found my D610 has. The downfall for taking it out walking early in the morning is it does not have an auto ISO option in manual mode, so there’s one more thing to remember to do. Hopefully this week I can get all the equipment shipped off (and hopefully get everything back working good as new). Here are the photos I selected from the earlier part of the week.

1/1000sec, f7.1, ISO800

1/1000sec, f7.1, ISO 800

1/640sec, f7.1, ISO2000

A juvenile red crossbill.
1/100sec, f7.1, ISO800
Cheryl Richarson Quote