I didn't want to post anything to graphic without being able to warn people first. This lioness is resting after a big feed, there were 3 lions with two full grown kudu bulls.  I'm sure you can imagine that what the lions hadn't yet eaten was leaving quite a smell in the mid-morning heat. 1/500sec, f8.0, ISO 800 Sabi Sands Game Reserve, May 2015
I didn’t want to post anything to graphic without being able to warn people first.
This lioness is resting after a big feed; there were three lions with two full grown kudu bulls. I’m sure you can imagine that what the lions hadn’t yet eaten was leaving quite a smell in the mid-morning heat.
1/500sec, f8.0, ISO 800
Sabi Sands Game Reserve, May 2015

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Sense of smell

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