2015-09-06: What I’ve seen this week

What did I see this week?  The start of autumn!  We’ve had frost several times now, and while it heats up as soon as the sun comes up, it certainly is chilly on my early morning walks with Spencer.  I’ve even had to get out his sweater already.  Hopefully there will be some lovely leaves changing colour in the coming weeks.

I had some interesting bird sightings this week, I hope you enjoy.

To me, it looks like these tree branches are  trying to grab the moon.
To me, it looks like these tree branches are trying to grab the moon.
I spotted some movement in the underbrush, and thought it might be a rabbit.  Instead, it turned out to be a pair of ruffled grouse.  The photo is lacking, but it was good enough to get an ID on the bird when I got home.
I spotted some movement in the underbrush, and thought it might be a rabbit. Instead, it turned out to be a pair of ruffled grouse. The photo is lacking, but it was good enough to get an ID on the bird when I got home.
I was happy to get some photos in time to be able to ID this bird.  As best as I can tell, it is a yellow-dumped warbler (Audobon's).  There was a group of them handing around the yard.  According to my bird app, our area is only part of their migratory route, so I guess I will be seeing them again in the springtime when they are ornate further north.
I was happy to get some photos in time to be able to ID this bird. As best as I can tell, it is a yellow-dumped warbler (Audobon’s). There was a group of them hanging around the yard. According to my bird app, our area is only part of their migratory route, so I guess I will be seeing them again in the springtime when they are on their way further north.
I think he spotted me!
I think he spotted me!

Such a pretty face!

I spent some time today with the hairy woodpecker family (I posted a few photos of them last week as well).  The light today was far better, and the birds were so much closer :)
I spent some time today with the hairy woodpecker family (I posted a few photos of them last week as well). The light today was far better, and the birds were so much closer 🙂
I believe this is one of the juveniles.  The bird was on its own for most of the time I was photographing it.  When I passed the spot I first saw it again on the way home from my walk, the whole family was together.
I believe this is one of the juveniles. The bird was on its own for most of the time I was photographing it. When I passed the spot I first saw it again on the way home from my walk, the whole family was together.
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