Half Moon

I had hoped perhaps to see some northern lights last night as the predictions were for a good show, but that didn’t pan out.  The moon however was amazing when I went outside at 10, so I went back and grabbed my 150mm-600mm to try to get a few photos.  I’m sure if I had put it on the tripod, it would be a bit sharper, but all in all, happy with the result.

Half full or half empty??? A bright moon above Prince George. 1/1000sec, f6.3, ISO 1000 Tamron 150mm - 600mm on the Nikon D5100 (effective 900mm)
Half full or half empty???
A bright moon above Prince George.
1/1000sec, f6.3, ISO 1000, 600mm handheld
Tamron 150mm – 600mm on the Nikon D5100 (effective 900mm)
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