
Two weeks ago, I managed to get loads of editing done, and had a post a day.  This past week, each day seemed to slip by at record speed, and I didn’t manage a single post (or even to take or edit a single photo).

Thankfully, this morning I grabbed my camera bag when we headed out for our early morning walk.  What a beautiful morning it was!  I picked a particular spot at the dikes, both so I could get a few photos of the sky before heading out, and also the hopes of seeing some interesting ducks that I had spotted the evening before.  It turns out the ducks are common goldeneyes, and I didn’t manage any decent shots of them, but at least they were good enough to get an ID.

This was my favourite shot from the morning.  Enjoy!

A gorgeous morning along the South Alouette River in Pitt Meadows, BC.
A gorgeous morning along the South Alouette River in Pitt Meadows, BC.


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