Given the sheer quantity of warthogs I saw while at Zimanga Game Reserve, I’m surprised it has taken me this long to post any photos of them. They were everywhere I looked, from dawn till dusk. In our yard, wandering down the road (and seeming to take great joy in holding up the vehicle progress) and I am pretty certain there was at least one (probably more) hanging around every time we stopped the vehicle to do our tracking.
They could be described as having a face only a mother could love, but honestly I found something kind of endearing about them. And if nothing else, I really, really needed to work on a blog post of a land dweller, or I’d have to change the tagline of my site to “Images of birds and more birds”.
Have a great evening!

1/500 sec, f7.1, ISO 100

1/640 sec, f9.0, ISO 400

1/500 sec, f5.6, ISO 250

1/500 sec, f5.6, ISO 1100

1/1250 sec, f8.0, ISO 1600