Bald Eagle and an Osprey

Here in southern BC, we have spent the last few days with lovely warm weather for February, but have been absolutely hammered with rain as well.  This morning, I woke up to a reprieve from the rain and even a few hints of blue sky.  As such, I finally got out on a morning walk with my camera.  I can’t believe it is February and these are the first 2015 photos I am able to post.  They aren’t the best eagle or osprey photos I have taken and the birds weren’t doing anything weird or wonderful.  I am just so thrilled that I was able to have a dry walk and see some birds that I decided to share.

Based on the quality and direction of the light, and how desaturated the photos were, I decided to convert everything to black and white.

Happy Sunday everyone!

An osprey peers down at me from a tree along the banks of the Pitt River.
Tired of being photographed, the osprey flees the paparazzi.
This osprey didn't seem to appreciate the camera being pointed at it, and flew away to a new perch after only a couple photos.  We played this game a few times before it headed off out of reach of my camera.
This osprey didn’t seem to appreciate the camera being pointed at it, and flew away to a new perch after only a couple photos. We played this game a few times before it headed off out of reach of my camera.
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The trunks of two trees nicely frame a beautiful bald eagle. It kept a very watchful eye on Spencer and I.
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The eagle’s penetrating gaze trained in the direction of the osprey. Even though it was a fair distance away, I have no doubt they were aware of each other.
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