Bald Eagles

I was surprised that the pair of eagles that I saw involved in the osprey chick stealing were still hanging around at the end of my walk, after all the trouble the mother osprey had been giving the pair.

A pair of bald eagles perch along the Pitt River while a group of barn swallows flies past. 1/640sec, f5.6 ISO 1250
A pair of bald eagles perch along the Pitt River while a group of barn swallows flies past.
1/640sec, f5.6 ISO 1250
I call this one the double shoulder check. 1/1000sec, f5.6, ISO2000
I call this one the double shoulder check.
1/1000sec, f5.6, ISO2000
A bald eagle works on loosening some twigs and debris from a post while her partner looks on. 1/640, f5.6, ISO1400
A bald eagle works on loosening some twigs and debris from a post while her partner looks on.
1/640, f5.6, ISO1400


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