Bald Eagles versus an Osprey

I was out for my usual Saturday morning walk, when I heard a great amount of commotion out on the water, and I knew even before I looked that the cry was of an eagle.  The bald eagle had raided the nest of an osprey and stole one of the chicks, and the mother osprey was out for blood.

The bald eagle pauses on one of the eroding pylons in the Pitt River, with the osprey chick still clutched in her talons.
The bald eagle pauses on one of the eroding pylons in the Pitt River, with the osprey chick still clutched in her talons.
Calling out to her partner, the lifeless legs of the chick dangling in the air.
Calling out to her partner, the lifeless legs of the chick dangling in the air.
The chick is dropped into the river, as the eagle begins her defence against the mother osprey.
The chick is dropped into the river, as the eagle begins her defence against the mother osprey.
Even though nothing can be done to save the chick, the osprey mother is relentless in her attacks of the eagle.
Even though nothing can be done to save the chick, the osprey mother is relentless in her attacks of the eagle.
The battle continues.
The battle continues.
The osprey circles back again to try for another attack.
The osprey circles back again to try for another attack.

Bald Eagle vs Osprey-7 Bald Eagle vs Osprey-8

The dramas unfolding in nature are better than any soap opera!
The dramas unfolding in nature are better than any soap opera!
The eagle's partner flies in to provide reinforcement.
The eagle’s partner flies in to provide reinforcement.
The nest robber still defends her position as her partner comes in to land.
The nest robber still defends her position as her partner comes in to land.
The landing is aborted and the battle continues in the air.
The landing is aborted and the battle continues in the air.

As the drama continued in the air, Spencer was getting restless and it was time to carry on with our walk.

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