Even though it is a holiday and I didn’t need to get up at the crack of dawn to head to work, I did anyways, so I could head out for an early morning walk with Spencer and hopefully catch a few nice photos of the sunrise or the herons (which I did!). I’d already snapped over 130 photos on our hour walk, so I decided to put my camera away. I’ve beaten myself up before about putting my camera away before getting to the car, and hopefully today will have driven that point through my thick skull!
I don’t know if it was a sound or the movement over the water that caught my attention, but I looked to the right over the river, and heading towards me at top speed was a bald eagle. Thank goodness I took my camera in my sling bag, not my backpack, as I was able to get it out in time, turn it on, and snap a few photos. I am seriously grateful I put my camera into auto ISO mode earlier on the walk (I actually didn’t realize it was possible on M to use auto ISO on this camera – so much still to learn about the new body!) but I’m sure that is what kept me from having a bunch of photos either over or under exposed.

1/100sec, f6.3, ISO360

1/100sec, f6.3, ISO280

1/1000sec, f6.3, ISO560

1/10023c, f6.3, ISO160