While out walking this morning, two Ospreys flying around over the Pitt River caught my attention. Spencer was gracious enough to wait patiently while I tried to snap a few photos of them. The sequence that follows unfolded in only a minute, though it seemed much longer than that, as I watched one Osprey struggling for its life.
A pair of Ospreys flying above the Pitt River. 1/500sec, f5.6, ISO400The one on the right is getting dangerously close to the water.With a big splash, one of the ospreys ends up in the river.While the osprey struggles in the water, its parent (or partner) circles above.Swooping around to assess the situation.It has managed to get its wings out of the water, but still no luck in getting airborne.After circling again and again, an attempt is made to lift the osprey out of the water, but that doesn’t work. I’m not even certain if contact was actually made.The waterlogged osprey has managed to get its wings partially out of the water again, while the other circles above.The ospreys’ wings are nearly clear of the water.Finally, the osprey manages to free itself from the water, and takes to the air again.Heading back to the safety of the nest to recuperate!
The photos are a bit fuzzy, but I was so much more concerned with taking in what was happening (and rooting for the poor osprey each time it sunk lower into the water and struggled to keep its head up). I’m so glad I got to see a happy ending today.